Nextcloud Applications

Nextcloud Applications for your desktop and mobile devices.

This documentation is for users and administrators, not those wanting to install.

Using this link you can find a variety of applications from Nextcloud allowing you to connect your desktop and mobile device to your Federated Core.

There are applications for “desktop” for MacOS, Windows, Linux. Note, if you’ve configure your Ubuntu-based Linux system using the built-in settings, you do not need a desktop client.

There are many applications offering integration with Nextcloud. You can find those listed at this link. Not all these applications work with your Federated Core, but many do. If we can be of assistance, please reach out for help.

Remember, your credentials for any application connecting with the Nextcloud installation on your Federated Core are:

  • Server: (where “” is your domain name)
  • User name: your Federated Core email address
  • Password: your Federated Core password