Contribution Guidelines

How to contribute to the Federated Core documentation.

This documentation is create using Docsy and Hugo and then pushed to a Gitea repository on our Federated Core. A webhook in Gitea then pushes the public folder to Caddy where it is published to the world-wide-web.

We use Hugo to format and generate our website, and publish it through Gitea running on our Federated Core. This documentation is created used the Docsy template.

Hugo is an open-source static site generator that provides us with templates, content organisation in a standard directory structure, and a website generation engine. You write the pages in Markdown (or HTML if you want), and Hugo wraps them up into a website.

All submissions, including submissions by project members, require review. We use Gitea pull requests for this purpose.

If you would like to contirbute

Please send an email to with your interest to contribute to the documentation. If we decide to collaborate, we are willing to compensate you for your contributions with free Federated services, merchandise, even BTC. Please get in touch.

Useful resources

  • Docsy user guide: All about Docsy, including how it manages navigation, look and feel, and multi-language support.
  • Hugo documentation: Comprehensive reference for Hugo.